Love Style...
can you believe this?? this is my love style ->
Your Love Style Is... Shy! |
What is your Love Style? Find out at
A place where behind the clouds, the sun is shining.....
A place where I share my reflections, dreams, hopes, life, frustrations.....
can you believe this?? this is my love style ->
Your Love Style Is... Shy! |
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1:23 am
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Hi all! I'm back from China - 21 days away from home.
It is a very nice experience. I'm gonna missed alot of people. They are of course 对我们无微不至的王大姐,每次帮我们砍材烧材的段大哥,为我们送上鲜奶的何书记。当然让我忘不了的是聪明伶俐的施yi,乖巧伶俐的海琴,可爱的小土豆。。。。。 和许许多多的小朋友。当然让我忘不了的是六甲班的小朋友们为我唱生日歌的情景。。。
The villagers there are very friendly, warm and very hospitable.
The children there are very responsive, willingness to learn new things as well as very disclipine in class.
I'm gonna missed the times where I got to cook for 23 people.....
I'm gonna missed the times where we have to squezee into our sleeping bags.....
I will also missed the times where we had under the stars and beside the stoves talk.... (当事人应该懂) ;-)
I will also missed the times when we dread going to the toilets in the middle of the nights... and i will usually endure till the next day... haha...
I'll missed the times where we ate our meals using mess tins.... how often will we use mess tins for 16days?? hardly i guess....
I will miss the time where we had our first meat dish!!! and it is during my bday!!! must really thank Ms Low and Kee Leng.... and the nice creamy bday cake!!
There's alot that I'll missed.... the natural air-con.... the toilet w/o doors.... the drinks that will remain cold 24/7....
Let the sweet memories be left in my heart and photos that i've taken....
unhappy moments to be left in china for good....
A new chapter of my life has began when I first step back onto Singapore's Land.....
Hope that the things that we have experience and people that we've met can change our life for the better......
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8:44 pm
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Yo.... three cheers for me!!! I passed my exams!!!! not with flying colours but well at least my Psychology and Sociology got an A each. Other than that, din really expect my physiology to get a C!!
Was in My unit annual camp... was so worried about my results.... i'm so afraid that i'll have to take sup papers!!!
Now, I can enjoy to shop my trip liao!!
I have to work much harder too for my modules next sem as I've promised myself!!!
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3:48 pm
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As usual, stay up to do my website....
Not really actually also. Reached home at almost 1am after today's OEP meeting.
Got to settle with shikin the shirts money.... ppls make yourself available ok??
got to settle some stuff with you... i nid to get back to the rest oso...
Going to malaysia later, hopefully be able to get some stuff for my trip... i'm really broke liao.. help!!
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3:03 am
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I've been staying up late since beginning of this week....
first was setting up my blog.... now is my website....
Have been sleeping late and waking up late too....
Got to change this "body" clock of mine...
If not, 我会在中国死得很难看. Actually not that I'll die la... but will have to adapt to 早睡早起的习惯.
mmm... sleeping soon......
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4:37 am
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After the conversation with Firman yesterday, I've a better idea of the force. Thanks Firman. = ) and it really makes me abit more determined, even thou I may sometimes hear bad comments about the force but I believe it is up to us to really decide if we want to follow the footsteps of the "blacksheeps" or do the right things. Or maybe sometimes it is not up to us to decide. I believe that in very organisation there will always be a dark side. . . . .
Well, remembered that Hui Hui always say this, "我有一个预感,秀玲graduate不会当OT, 会当警察。" I just smiled to her. I did that because no one can predict the future.
Perhaps let this three years to be the time to really challenge myself to see if joining the force is what I really want or to be an OT.
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1:53 am
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Someone just triggered my thoughts......
It's Hari Raya... It's a good time to seek forgiveness from one another....
Thou I'm not a muslim, I wish to take this opportunity to seek forgiveness from one and all....
Hopefully, this will be a good time for the 2 friends to seek forgiveness from one another.....
It will be really nice to see them as friends again...... or shall I say good friends instead?
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3:27 am
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Sometimes I really wonder, why can't adults behave like a child?
Not the childish aspects but the willingness to forgive and forget each other mistakes after a fight?
Have you all thought of that? As we grow older, our ego will take over. It is even harder for us to say "sorry" or even "Friend-friend" again like we always do when we were much younger.
Do you remember that when we were young, after a quarrel or a fight with our friends, we usually talk to one another like nothing has happened before but as adult, how many of us can actually do that?
this is not really a personal experience but from what I've observe.....
It's is really frightening and sad to see 2 good friends to become enemies and hurting one another....
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4:12 am
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This happen last month......
That was the 1st time.... as far as I can recall, to shed tears in front of a teacher of mine....
I dunno why, But I don't seems to the as strong as before. I used to be able to hold back my tears and it was even a difficult task for me to shed a single tear. But now? Isn't that all I wanted? I don't know.....
This happens during a conversation with my mentor, CSM. She spoke to me about my results.... well... did badly in my anatomy and physiology. She was worried that I may not be able to make it for my exams. That was my fear too..... I did my best for anatomy but the results was just not what I've expected. Things just don't turn the way I wanted......
Then she talked to me about my other commitments. I do agree that I've other commitments other than my studies, perhaps I just need to have a better time management? She also asked me if I've bought my textbooks like martini and willard and speckman.....
I tell her I din buy and she ask why..... she asked if it is to do with financial...
I say ya... she asked why didn't I go and look for her....
Mmmmm.... I think perhaps one of the reasons is that I do not want people to treat me better because of my financial status.....
I want people to treat me for who I am and not because I less rich =)
She has asked me to email her my family income which I yet to do so due to exams that time... maybe I'll do it tml? see my mood la..
That was the time I din hold back my tears.....
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3:52 am
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After thinking, I think I'm not going to migrate my previous blog over....
Link to my previous blog has been removed.
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3:49 am
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Hi there! I've just created a new design for my new blog. Do give me comments for my blog ok? My new website will be up soon.... perhaps end of this month? If not will be next year liao....
I'm migrating my previous blog to here.....
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3:38 am
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After knowing that my class is becoming smaller and smaller, I been to think whether OT is for me. Kristy is leaving the class as she feels that OT is not the course for her, she would want to be either a teacher or a prison offficer. I admired her for the courage to leave after 1 semester.
As for the rest, Arpita is leaving but she is still studying OT overseas. As for Eunice, she will be joining next year as year 1 OT student. Wish her all the best!
So much about others, what about me? Well, as most of you all know, my greatest ambtion is still to join the SPF. My concern here is that do I still want to join SPF after I graduate from this course and perhaps after my degree conversion? I think my answer is yes... but I not very certain to this answer of mine.
This must perhaps link back to why I want to study OT in the 1st place. Well, I guess it is because I want to join SPF in the first place and wanted to get a degree b4 I go in.
Secondly, I do not want to get a degree for the sake of getting one, thus leading me to choose this course as perhaps what Dr. Uma has always say, "as a stepping stone". At this very moment, I do not know if I'm making the right move. I do enjoy this course but some of the modules are really hard for me. At the same time, I do believe that with little more effort, I can make it.
Perhaps the only obstacle now is my attitude towards OT as a profession. I really do not know if i want to study OT after i graduate. The only solution to this i guess is wait till my clinical attachments and see if i really like the job. Perhaps that is only the best time to decide if I want to take up OT as a profession or taking OT as a stepping stone to get a degree to get into SPF.
We shall wait and see.
Take care friends!
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10:00 pm
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Today was the 1st day of school..... first lecture was socialogy... it was fun n interesting.... but physiology was so boring that I felt asleep most of the time!!! lolz... tht's for all i think...
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10:00 pm
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