God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Marriage and Women

In today's yahoo news, Andy Lau is getting married with a Malaysian soon. This lady has been giving Andy silent support for the past 24 years! I applaud her for her undying faithfulness and patience for Andy. I wondered how many women can be like her nowadays. Waiting for 24 years is like..... the amount of time I've on this EARTH!!! I wonder if Andy didn't marry her, what will happen to her? 24 years is a long time. She could be like 20 years old when she's dating Andy? And there might be many suitors after her in the past 24 years! And she decided to stay by Andy. Andy better be good to her.... lolx....

I was also talking to my colleagues on the reason of women going for beauty care and plastic surgery. More often than not, many women, wants to look good because of the opposite gender or for the opposite gender. If not, whats the point of just gals admiring gals? Although that may not be 100% true for all, I believe there is some truth in it. Many of us, want to look good in front of the opposite gender(i.e. boyfriends, husbands, etc) and we came to conclusion that security got a part to play. How is this so?

If a gal doesn't looks pretty, will have low self-esteem that her boyfriend or husband might have affairs outside. Thus, she hopes to prevent such things from happening. Another case is when the husband is a rich guy, the wife wants to look good so that he can bring her out for socialization. Or, even if the woman is pretty but husband is rich, she might be worried that the husband might have an affairs outside.

On the other hand, sometimes some guys do not matter the look that much, but rather the communication between each other, which sometimes gals fail to see when insecurity strikes in.

One of my colleagues asked the few women present,

"Do you really trust men?"

Basically there was silence. For me, I really don't know the answer myself.

Talking about security, I remembered a conversation with someone, who shan't be named.

"Do you feel more secure with a guy that always play game at home or a guy who are outgoing and always go out with friends who you might not know whether he's flirting with other gals or not."

To me, I think I feel more secure with the guy who always play game as I know he is at home playing games (BUT don't let me know he is flirting with some gals on some online networking website instead....) ..... rather than one who always go out with friends.... unless the guy is truthful to me on who he is meeting, even if he decided to meet the Ex.

But I guess no matter how independent a gal may be, when comes to LOVE, I think there will definitely be some insecurity in us.



Don't you think so?

2 comments (click to comment):

Allison said...

Yup, i totally agree. Girls are girls and no matter what, we always have this sense of insecurity in us. But the important thing is to know when to control this insecurenss and not let it ruin our rationality.

Eileen said...


I agree. Sometimes it can be scary when we let our insecurity control us than us controlling them.