God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Something just hit me. Ouch....

Well, had a tut on work rehab just now.....
CSM mentioned something... that just hit sooo right at the spot.
She said something like these:

" You all spent 6 years in Primary school.....
Then after, you went to sec school.....
Then JC.....
Then convincing your parents of letting you come to take OT,
giving up positions in Uni....
And you are here in Poly....
And then.... graduate with a DIPLOMA.
And then you take home starting pay of $1700 (w/o deducting CPF yet.)"

I guess these are the things that we have to face when we met relatives during CNY (Ya, I am reminding you all.... CNY is ard the corner....).... again asking us when we are graduating..... are we going uni.... to them, they think that we are using this as a stepping stones to go to any course in uni.... which is definately not the case..... we are not going for any other deg course other than OT related... unless we are going to change the field....

Soon in less than 7 mths time..... some of us will be flying off to do the degree conversion while some will stay here and start to work as a full fledge Occupational Therapist, that's including me!

Whatever it is, I'm sure we have considered and have overcome the difficulties of explaining why OT and stuff.....
But I'm sure we will be going to fulfill what we wanted to be from the 1st day we decided to sign up for the course

"Occupational Therapy"

Hang on there..... we are just months away from our graduation..... before we know it, we are at the audi, waiting to get our diploma on stage. =)

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