God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

More Resolutions

Okay.... Decided to put a few resolutions down....

  1. Drink more water
  2. Try not to be late for school
  3. Try to take 72 instead of 969
  4. Eat some fruits instead of buying the fruits and Vege Juice
Okay...... today I've tried to drink abit of water (eh....200ml?) .... not enough for the body... but I would say for me, it is a slight achievement already. As my friends who know me would know, I don't drink plain water at all.... haha....

I wasn't late for school either.... =p I still have time to go to the north canteen and get myself a cup of coffee.... cheers... hopefully I can maintain.... not too bad lah... last sem I managed to be on time at least 80-90% of the time......

Well, taking 72 instead of 969.... I try lah... cos it's hard lah.... when taking 969 is so much faster... but it'll burn a hole in my pocket....

Fruits.... haha... today YW and me have a craving for fruits..... so... we went to the fruit stall to buy fruits before proceeding to the shelter next to the foutains for lunch as the canteen is super crowded... and not enough seats for around 10 of us.....

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