God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Degree Conversion

Everybody seems busy getting transcripts and sending applications for their degree conversion, whether offshore or onshore. Yet me, here, still deciding if I want to get one immediately.

Not that I do not want to do degree conversion. I mean there are so many other factors to be considered. I have to bear in mind that if I am to go for a degree conversion, it will be definately out of my own pocket. I mean I can't ask my parents to pay right? I mean even I ask, they will not be able to afford it. ALL my savings has already been used for my school fees every semster... all my hard-earn money that I've earned during holidays as camp instructors. Not forgetting I still have my study loan to pay back the bank.

Next, I think I should start contributing to my parents already. I can't possible ask my dad to still give me pocket money at the age of 23? My dad has already aged. Time for him to take money from me. Sorry if I sound like I'm putting anyone down.... but I think if your parents are young and can afford it... I mean why not? But definately not for me.

I mean I do consider taking offshore program, that means I will save money on accomodation, flights, as well as the cost of living. But on the other hand, although I can save some money on all the above. The cost per semster still goes up to $7000 - $10000. I mean with our starting pay of $1700 per month including CPF and that means we will be bringing home like $1400? Let say even if I can save $800 a month. How long do I need to save up to $10000?

I do thought of getting degree conversion after 1 yr.... but then, the cohert after my batch is acdemically much stronger than my batch. Then, it will therefore be much more difficult to get a degree conversion....

Well, all these are the things I need to ponder about before I go to sleep.

Well, I guess, there is always a path for everyone. No one path is the same. At certain part of the path, you may see flowers blooming while sometimes you may see withered flowers. Worse of all, you may even see the grass greener at the other path that you didn't take. But it doesn't matter how long you take that particular path. It only matters that you reach the same destination.

But thinking of the bright side, isn't that better for me? I don't have to worry that my other classmates will fight with me for the same position.... haha... =)

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