God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Search Blog

"How did you manage to find my blog?"

Confirming whether a blog belongs to a particular person requires dectective work... haha... No one keyword confirms it 100%...... e.g. though I am doggiegal.... it does not means that http://doggiegal.blogspot.com belongs to me....
it requires linking all the things that a person blogs and to how much you know abt a particular person... whether these things match.... haha...
maybe sometimes it is even harder when a person online is different from who he/she is in reality....
Google is easy.... comfirming is not....
And I have "googled" and found some of my friends' blogs by chance.... don't worry... your blog addresses will be safe with me...
anyway, you won't know I know your blogs if I only read your blogs but don't comments....

Just like I won't know who visits my blog... but I roughly have an idea.... and my 6th sense... ;p I have quite strong ESP wor... lolz...


To all who blogs.... be careful of what you blogs... cause anything that you blog can be found using "keywords".......

To all who doesn't blog, try to google your name.... don't be surprise if you see many websites/ blogs that has your name (and it is you... not some other people that has the same name as you...)

It's true.... cause I always have people who come to my blog (by chance... not looking for my blog... but entered....) using keywords like ot0401, occupational therapy, nyp, and even google using my classmates' name!!! haha... it is scary isn't it?

Well, I even have ppl using lecturers name to search stuff and ended up in my blog!!!

Luckily I nv really talk bad about lecturers.... haha....

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