God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Friday, September 29, 2006

Passion - You have it!

My horoscope for the day (I know I should be either sleeping/ studying now.... cos exams just 8 hrs away..... anyway.... )

The Bottom Line

Seek controversy -- and play devil's advocate to encourage people to be passionate.

In Detail

If you've been looking for inspiration lately, get with your wackiest friends or family. Surround yourself with the people who look at the world from an odd angle, and you'll be able to see things in a whole new way, too. Seek controversy today -- play devil's advocate as often as you can. You'll encourage people to be passionate about what they believe -- and passion can be contagious. Before you know it, you'll be struck by it.

So... I am here to advocate.....

To all who don't really feels that you have the passion or is lossing your passion, don't give up. Wait and see. I believe that you all have the passion, just that it is not overt enough and the timing is not right for you to be passionate about!

Believe in yourself.... do not care what others say or did to you.... don't let others influence you.... or be affected by what ppl say.... just do what is RIGHT!

Time will tell! Jiayou!

(*but can be influence by me..... +ve ones of course.... can ignore the -ve ones.... lol)

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