God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Thursday, September 14, 2006


For those who has been watching 我叫金三顺 (My Lovely Samsoon) and you didn't know much about the main actor, his name is Hyun Bin (金泰平).

Hyun Bin (金泰平)
courtesy of Asianhunk.net

Oh..... I like his image and character in the show... although sometimes I feel like strangling him for not showing his affection because of his ego....

But blickering sometimes does help to improve relationships doesn't it? =)
More information about Hyun Bin can be found here.

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