God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Employed Occupational Therapist

Hi all, just a good news to you - I am now an employed occupational therapist!

I had 2 job offers, 1 acute and 1 community. As someone who like community, I would definately consider community. Furthermore, this place has better prospect than the acute and I feel that the community has better opportunity for me to explore and of course to develop services, which is something that I like, yet it is challenging.

On top of that, it offers a higher starting pay (but no increment after probation) and that it is nearer to home as I can walk to work and I can save on transport! haha... I think by now you should have known where I am working or at least you should have heard from other classmates or coursemates about where we are working.... news spread like wild fire! haha...

But bad news is, since now I am employed as an occupational therapist in an organization, I will have to be careful with what I say now.... haha... =p

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