God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

In another similar test - I'm ENFJ

Your natural leadership skills make you the go-to person during times of crisis or needed inspiration. You are blessed with the ability to maintain balance in the office or motivate others to join the team. You possess excellent communication and people skills, and help maintain a positive work atmosphere that allows people to grow. You remain focused and encourage others to reach a common goal. You dislike office politics and try not to get involved in the murk. Instead, you rise above it all with your understanding nature. You like taking control of situations and projects, but do not flaunt your power in people's faces. You have a deft touch and inspire others with your magnetic charisma. You are well organized and are a strong multi-tasker.

Looking at the ideal work environment is only the first step to understanding your personality type and your long-term career goals. The following paragraphs describe how your personality type is related to what some people refer to as your "transferable" or "higher" skills.

Even if you do love your job, it is easy to lose sight of your "higher" skills: what you take with you no matter where you work. Some skills are honed through work experiences, but many are innate to our personality. Some things are just easier for us to do than it is for others. For instance, you may have great people skills and may do well in sales or public relations, or you might have a knack for numbers and can excel in engineering, the stock market or accounting. Read below to see what higher skills fall under your personality type. Although you may not have had a chance to exercise these skills at your current job, keep them in mind so that you can find ways to incorporate what you naturally do at your current job or advertise these skills to launch your next successful job search. Having these skills can put you ahead of another candidate when looking for a future job. When if comes to work, you:

  • Effectively advance communication between people
  • Can successfully integrate large pieces of information
  • Can evaluate problems and provide expert opinion
  • Are good at negotiating with others to reach a mutually satisfying solution
  • Can adapt to new situations quickly
  • Can effectively interpret or explain other people's ideas
  • Motivate others to produce their best work
You have strong analytical skills and enjoy becoming an expert on one thing. This strength gives you the ability to be the foremost authority in your field. You like helping people create solutions out of their ideas and then persuading them to take action to put those ideas into motion. Most of all, you like dealing with people directly.
For ENFJ, one potential weakness is your tendency to personalize your work. You are a sensitive person and once you start something, you wholeheartedly invest yourself in it. When projects don't work out the way you'd like them to, you have a hard time not taking it personally. This may be a pitfall for you because the time and emotional energy you devote to work may result in you shortchanging other areas of your life. Disclosing this weakness to a potential employer may end up working in your favor. In their eyes, you are a devoted employee who is committed to working hard and producing good work. It shows that you're not afraid to invest a lot of time on a project and won't be running out the door at 5 p.m.

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