God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Remembered something....

Mmm... sometimes I really wonder..... do people actually think before they say or do they know that whatever things that they say or done can actually affect a person for life?

e.g: Super Sunday always feature the stars looking for their friend, neighbours,teachers etc for the things that they had helped the stars when they were younger. On the other hand, the friends, neibhbours or teachers being found may not feel that the gestures that they did in the past are great... But to the Stars.... these gestures actually stay with them for years... and maybe life..... this is what an action of a person can actually cause a great impact on another.... and you will never know that the person who you helped may actually be someone who really needs help for survival... and who knows? the person that you helped may be someone great in the future... they may not for who they are now if not for you..... so guys.... please help others whenever you can.... it brings joy to yourselves and others..... who knows, you may oso be the next person to be found by someone great in the future...

Another story is, remembering this incident that happened in sch..... I've helped to pay for the some notes for OTTP i think.... thou it is only small amt of like $1, I actually asked from zubaidah..... and someone from OT2 who I dun wan to mention who actually comment sth like, huh? $1 only also want to take? or sth like that.... is like... you know the feeling... to others... $1 may be nothing... but at the point of time where you have less than $20 to spent in 1/2 month, it is something.... $1 is esp impt to those who dun even have food to eat ( not me la.. AT least I'm better... can still cook food for myself.) Imagine that you actually think that $1 is not impt everytime.... can you all think of a time when you really tight with cash and hope that there are even $1 droppping down from the sky?? After my expedition, i actually feels that money is a very impt issue... managing all dollars and cents.... I used to spend all my moneyin the past .. but now... I'm trying to save... hard with the limited money as I've to pay for my concession now which was paid by my mother when I'm still in JC.... But I'll try....

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