God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

My short Destiny Reading

My Destiny Reading..... take note of those in bold................

Your path of soul development in this lifetime involves seeking and seeing the big picture, and your ability to intuitively perceive the interconnectedness of things in a larger pattern. You are driven from within to get an overview, and search for universal laws and principles, Xiu Ling, whether this is expressed as a compelling urge to travel and see the world, a keen interest in religion, philosophy, or other systems which purport to explain "how it all fits together", or simply a restless urge to experience as much of life as you can, (in order to get as much of the whole picture as possible). This propensity to see things as a whole rather than focusing on the component parts, is one of your gifts. An example of this might be an interest in "wholistic" medicine, which acknowledges the interconnection of spirit, mind, and body, and treats the whole person rather than focusing on one diseased part of the anatomy. Or, perhaps, being able to see society as a whole, and thus what future directions or trends are likely. At the least, Xiu Ling, it enables you to keep a sense of perspective and a sense of humor when "little things" go awry. Being innately attuned to a larger framework and feeling yourself to be a part of it gives you a sense of confidence, and faith that "everything will be all right in the long run". It also inclines you to take risks, to gamble, to try your luck, because instinctively you know that there is something larger than yourself buoying you up (whether or not you conceptualize it as life or God or something else). This gives you a certain leeway to play with life, to take chances.

At times, however, you can be so enamored of your abstract vision, your view of the whole, your intuitive sense of possibilities and potentials, that you miss what is right in front of you, including the actual work involved in realizing that vision, or perhaps the real people that might be effected. Your astuteness in the realm of understanding principles and having the broad view is sometimes matched by your ineptness and insensitivity when it comes to understanding and relating to individual people. You tend to invest much in your belief system, your convictions, your philosophy, and your ideals. However, practicing what you preach, doing something with your vision, and tempering your candor and truthfulness with compassion for peoples limitations, is your challenge. You also need to guard against a certain laziness or sloppiness regarding details, taking the easy way, or depending too much on luck.

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