God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Sense of Courtesy

I wonder where does the sense of courtesy of a person goes to?

Why can't a person asked for permission before taking a look at people's stuff? I mean it is a basic courtesy isn't it? Is it too much to ask for? Even if he/she cannot ask before hand, can't he/she informed AFTER?

What if the thing that he/she is going to read is something that is supposed to be confidential?

I HATE people who touch my things without asking... ... READ my stuff as if it belongs to EVERYBODY... ... I don't mind that person has read/touch/use my stuff.... but after usage/ read, can't the person just informed me that he/she has read/borrowed?

Or can't the person even "Thank" for using MY things? What pissed me off is to USE and TAKE my things AWAY!!! DON'T ever let me know that you've returned me a SPOILT object too...

Well, it is just my thought on things that happened for the last few weeks..... and people of today... ...

It is simple respect and courtesy ... ... is it so hard to ask for? I guess people just take things for granted and assume that people are fine with it, etc... but it is these small little things which people overlooked, that make those who bothers SHINES.

I'm not talking about myself but at least I hope people do make an effort to show some sense of respect and courtesy for the ownership of the things that they used.

3 comments (click to comment):

PaPa Lima said...

hmmm, sounds bad, but i'm reading your blog now leh... does that counts as intrusive??

PaPa Lima said...

Punish the little people. Must really teach people about manners. Ha. Er... I'm reading this blog, does that count as an intrusive action??

Eileen said...

haha.... no la... cos this blog supposed to be "open" mah... unless this is a blog that require permission and yet the person "intrude" it... if not.. it is okay la.. =p
I've given you the blog add last time one mah...

so no worries... ;)