God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

What's Behind my emotions?

Your strongest belief is

Now that you know that Compassion is one of your core convictions, let's take a look at how that value influences your emotional landscape — the way you experience the 8 key emotions, and how intensely you feel them.

Your test results have revealed that you tend to experience happiness at a moderate intensity. When something really good happens in your life, you like to revel in your happiness. While some may be more inclined to jump for happiness or meditate in a state of serenity and calm, you most often feel a more balanced and even-keeled happiness. Your feelings of delight are nourishing to both yourself and those you share them with.

Your test results have revealed that you tend to experience respect at a low intensity. When you place your respect in others, it means you've identified them as someone you value and approve of. Some people may think of respect as revering another person without reservation, but when you respect another person you tend to base it solely on your individual interactions with that person. Your tendency is to allow people the opportunity to earn your respect through positive proof of their character. For you, it may be liberating to allow yourself to dispense respect more freely, imagining that humans are generally good in nature.

Your test results have revealed that you tend to experience fear at a high intensity. When something frightens you, such as a dark alleyway or an upcoming test, you may find that you feel panicked. In situations where others experience mild worry or anxiety, you may feel something closer to terror. While there are certainly times in your life when a high level of fear is appropriate and self-preserving, there are other times when your level of fear may be out of proportion with the actual or likely risks involved. You might consider employing some relaxation techniques the next time you feel overwhelmed with an irrational fear.

Your test results have revealed that you tend to experience sadness at a moderate intensity. When you get into a funk, you generally avoid the full depths of misery. Your feelings of sadness indicate that you're in touch with your emotions and that you aren't afraid to acknowledge painful feelings. Because of this, you likely tend to be an empathic person. While being able to access your sadness is a useful emotional tool, you may sometimes get stuck in your sadness. During those occasional sad times, you may want to make plans with others to watch a light comedy or engage in other uplifting activities.

Your test results have revealed that you tend to experience wonderment at a high intensity. When something surprises you, you tend to be stunned for a long time. Unexpected news, such as a significant promotion at work, impacts people in different ways. Some people tend to feel mildly upset or alarmed, but you're more likely to feel shocked. If the intensity of your wonderment throws you off, it may be helpful for you to pay extra attention to the thoughts and concerns of those around you, as this may give you a heads up about things that would otherwise escape your attention.

Your test results have revealed that you tend to experience hostility at a moderate intensity. When someone makes an inappropriate comment, for instance, you're more likely to feel appropriately offended, instead of blowing it out of proportion, or excusing it entirely. Your feelings of hostility can be used as a gauge to identify behavior that is offensive or inappropriate, and they can motivate you to take action against such behavior. When misplaced, though, feelings of dislike and repulsion can alienate others and sometimes poison you. Engaging in empathetic feelings for yourself and others is a good way of defusing hostility when it seems inappropriate.

Your test results have revealed that you tend to experience anger at a moderate intensity. When you're wronged, you're less likely to feel complete rage than others. Because you are able to experience anger in a tempered way, you're more likely to channel it into constructive solutions. You're not one to let people walk all over you, nor do you tend to steamroll others with your anger. On those days when your anger feels more heated, you may want to employ techniques like meditation to help you cool down and come back to your center.

Your test results have revealed that you tend to experience expectancy at a moderate intensity. For instance, when planning your vacation or getting ready to start something new, you're likely to spend a lot of time preparing. Looking forward to things can add spice to life, and being able to feel that excitement means you don't tend to prepare for the worst or hold back on your eagerness. This enthusiasm adds thrill to your life, and others find your good feelings contagious. The downside to your levels of expectancy is that sometimes you may feel disappointed or let down when things go wrong, and you may find it difficult to be 'in the moment' when you're focusing on something that hasn't yet happened. Making sure to balance your expectations for the future with an appreciation for what you already have is important for your emotional balance and well-being.


Because of your uncompromisingly compassionate nature, you generally feel most fulfilled when you can lend a helping hand to those who really need it. You are an incredibly caring person who tries your best to put yourself in someone else's shoes before you judge them. You tend to see both sides in a situation or conflict, and because of that you may be often asked to help settle disputes. People likely come to you when they need a sympathetic ear because they know they can count on you to respond in a caring way. Your emotional intolerance for hard-heartedness — in yourself and others — makes you a highly empathic person.

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