God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Part of my personality report

You At Your Best
When you're in the presence of others who care about you, you relax and really shine. Supportive, safe interactions with people who believe in you are an important step in your unfolding path towards more confidence. You'll thrive in atmospheres that are calm and quiet. When you feel soothed, you can tune into your real thoughts and reactions. By creating a peaceful environment for yourself, and by slowly building up your confidence, you will be able to enter the world more fully and share the amazing person you are.

Achieving Success
You are focused on success in your life; and you define it in a variety of ways. You love the boost you get from getting credit for your work, financial rewards, achieving your personal goals, finding luck in love, having great friends and, in sum, getting what you want. You can be held back, however, by a pesky self-doubt that occasionally questions your ability to really “make it” in the world. You've never been afraid to let the world know what you have to offer. Whether it's standing up to take credit in a work scenario or letting a new person you meet get a sense of your charms right away, you know how to put your best assets front and center. A challenge for you in the area of ambition is to partner with others as you pursue your dreams. Don't let that niggling self-doubt keep you from teaming up, combining resources and sharing the trip. You'll find the rewards of being on a team or part of a duo can be felt during the process and pay off in the final reward.

When conflicts arise for you, it's often because your sense of fairness has been offended. The frequent difference between what people deserve —whether credit, money, or happiness — and what they actually have, can be extremely galling for you. There are also times when you don't feel justly rewarded for your efforts and assets. Occasionally, there are times when it's hard for you to let go of even seemingly minor irritations. You may find yourself reacting strongly at first. But gradually you will learn to let it go.

What reallys motivates me
Safety and ease are at the heart of your motivations. You want to feel protected, accepted and safely away from drama or confusion. You're willing to work and plan in order to create a haven from life's ups and downs. Such subtle rewards are, for you, the richest ones.

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