God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Friday, August 14, 2009

1 month late submission of assignment?

I HATE that ACCUSATION statement.

My Aussie lecturer didn't receive my partner and my assignment. We were told that she was disappointed in us that we didn't even email her to tell her that we were facing problems submitting our assignments. And the thing is, she email to PGAHI staff and cc to us instead.

This can be a small matter. But I just don't really like the way this issue was being handled.

Since we were the people involved, I don't see why she cannot contact us directly and asked if anything has happened. Come on. We are all mature adults. I don't see a reason why we wouldn't contact her if we were facing a problem. Our marks are at stake - 80%. Even idiot will not be so stupid to risk that. Furthermore, who would delay handing up an assignment after 1 month? The next thing - Benefit of doubt. Shouldn't we be given that benefit of doubt? Lastly, if we had no problem sending her the assignments, we wouldn't be sending her a mail saying we had problem right? Because, to us, there wasn't a problem in the first place?

Initially, both of us are like having a heart attack. We were like ants on the hot pot. But it faded away with alittle anger and disappointment. WT added that it has increased our level of arousal that can cause us not able to sleep, which is true. I only managed to sleep after 3am. That email was received at 11+pm on a Tue night.

Thank God the misunderstanding was clear. Probably there was some receiving issues by her side. Anyway, we sent her the assignment again (as soon as we received that mail from her) via email and e-learning system and the Printscr() of the mail in our e-learning system that we used to send her. This teaches us to keep a copy of our sent copies of email/mail for evidence in case anything happens. This is not a problem for me. Because if you know me, I don't clear my emails most of the time after I read them - currently I have 21278 mails in my yahoo mail, 13920 as unread. Time to clear them. Soon.

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