God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

My short Destiny Reading

My Destiny Reading..... take note of those in bold................

Your path of soul development in this lifetime involves seeking and seeing the big picture, and your ability to intuitively perceive the interconnectedness of things in a larger pattern. You are driven from within to get an overview, and search for universal laws and principles, Xiu Ling, whether this is expressed as a compelling urge to travel and see the world, a keen interest in religion, philosophy, or other systems which purport to explain "how it all fits together", or simply a restless urge to experience as much of life as you can, (in order to get as much of the whole picture as possible). This propensity to see things as a whole rather than focusing on the component parts, is one of your gifts. An example of this might be an interest in "wholistic" medicine, which acknowledges the interconnection of spirit, mind, and body, and treats the whole person rather than focusing on one diseased part of the anatomy. Or, perhaps, being able to see society as a whole, and thus what future directions or trends are likely. At the least, Xiu Ling, it enables you to keep a sense of perspective and a sense of humor when "little things" go awry. Being innately attuned to a larger framework and feeling yourself to be a part of it gives you a sense of confidence, and faith that "everything will be all right in the long run". It also inclines you to take risks, to gamble, to try your luck, because instinctively you know that there is something larger than yourself buoying you up (whether or not you conceptualize it as life or God or something else). This gives you a certain leeway to play with life, to take chances.

At times, however, you can be so enamored of your abstract vision, your view of the whole, your intuitive sense of possibilities and potentials, that you miss what is right in front of you, including the actual work involved in realizing that vision, or perhaps the real people that might be effected. Your astuteness in the realm of understanding principles and having the broad view is sometimes matched by your ineptness and insensitivity when it comes to understanding and relating to individual people. You tend to invest much in your belief system, your convictions, your philosophy, and your ideals. However, practicing what you preach, doing something with your vision, and tempering your candor and truthfulness with compassion for peoples limitations, is your challenge. You also need to guard against a certain laziness or sloppiness regarding details, taking the easy way, or depending too much on luck.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Personal Development

I always enjoy using activities and/or sports for my personal development.

I just started my rock climbing with Lynn which I last climbed few years back.... it was a really great experience again....

It allows me have a clear mind.... plan ahead.... and of course determination..... and in case of failures.... to take a step back/hang on/ to take a rest and continue later/ persevere/ choose another route.

Isn't life that way as well?

Another important lesson learnt is trust. I can still remember how we handled the Air Traffic Control (ATC) and trying to figure out how to attach to our harness... we haven't been belaying people for such a long time.... but it is the trust that we have for one another... that we feel safe in the hands of each other.

Talking about personal development, how often in school do students develop the character because they want to? Taking for example, community involvement programme. How often do we see students helping out in the community because they HAVE to and not because they WANT to? Already said it is a personal development, isn't that suppose to be determined by oneself and not others? Come to think of that, it happens in the workforce as well.

Anyway, I just had run with wC this morning... and I ran/jog/walk a total of 20 rounds in the stadium ===> 8 km. I didn't know how I managed to do it but I believed that with determination (and of course optimal health condition), I will be able to do it, in a matter of time. =)

Saturday, August 11, 2007


Sun Sign: Sagittarius
Sun 18° Sagittarius 22'
Sagittarius Horoscope
for today »
Moon Sign: Cancer
Moon 9° Cancer 48'
Cancer Horoscope
for today »
Rising Sign: Aries
Ascendant 1° Aries 22'
Aries Horoscope
for today »

Your Sun Sign: Sagittarius
(What is Sun sign?? ---> Your Sun Sign is a key part of an astrological chart, and represents your general temperament. Your Sun Sign represents your basic individuality, who you are when you are alone.)

The Archer is really a centaur -- the lower half is horse, the upper half is a man. The man is holding a bow with an arrow aimed upwards toward the sky. This symbolizes the Sagittarian's drive to overcome basic animal instincts by aiming his thoughts into the divine realms of the heavens. In other words, you Archers are hunting for ideas and experiences that draw you into greater awareness. As such, you Sagittarians tend to love adventure, travel and philosophy -- all ways of extending beyond your immediate surroundings.

Motto: "It is better to know how to learn than to know."
Greatest Strength: Your undying optimistic attitude
Possible Weakness: Glossing over problems or avoiding difficult situations

Your Moon Sign: Cancer
(What is Moon sign?? ---> Your Moon Sign represents your "inner" or "emotional" self, or the way you handle your emotions and the way you truly feel, whether you reveal it or not. To most astrologers, the moon is also about your intuition, your inner vulnerabilities, your fears as well as the things that can stir your heart.)

Cancer is the home sign of the Moon, which indicates that you are a very lunar or feeling-oriented person. These strong emotional instincts tend to make you protective of those close to you, expressing a maternal quality of care and concern. Preserving traditions tends to be more appealing than heading into uncharted territory, and this can make you slow to accept changes in your routine. You tend to be cautious about coming out of your shell, but you're also a builder who can slowly and carefully nurture a new business or organization. Because you feel so strongly, it can be hard to step back and take an objective look at your situation and discover alternatives to the position you're holding onto so tightly.

Motto: "Everything is personal."
Greatest Strength: Loyalty to those close to you
Possible Weakness: Allowing emotions to overcome logic

Your Rising Sign: Aries
(What is Rising Sign??? ---->Your Rising Sign is an important part of your astrological chart, because it represents the way you project yourself outward, the way you're seen and perceived by the rest of the world and the general "impression" that you make on others)

Aries Rising people tend to be in a hurry, not willing to sit back and wait, but naturally jumping into action as quickly as possible. You're a pioneer, a leader, the one who gets the ball rolling, even when no one else is aware there's a game to be played. You can be abrupt and impatient, even coming across aggressively since you're the one who has to make the first move. You're the sparkplug and the initiator, but if you come on too strong you sometimes can rub others the wrong way. It may be because you're used to doing things on your own, not expecting much support and unwilling to compromise. When you slow down and take others into consideration, you get support that can lighten your load.

Motto: "Me first�"
Greatest Strength: Being a pioneer
Possible Weakness: Impatience

My Comments to the above:
I feel that most of the things are quite true....mottos like "It is better to know how to learn than to know.", "Everything is personal." and "Me first�"

And my strengths are quite true too... "Your undying optimistic attitude", "Loyalty to those close to you" and "Being a pioneer"

And my weakness "Glossing over problems or avoiding difficult situations" true to a certain extend.... thou I may not like difficult situations at times.... but I try to "welcome and overcome them." And "Allowing emotions to overcome logic" is quite true of me sometimes as I am quite an emotional person..... And "impatience" is also true to certain people....

So.... How true do you guys think this result is?

Friday, August 10, 2007

Sense of Courtesy

I wonder where does the sense of courtesy of a person goes to?

Why can't a person asked for permission before taking a look at people's stuff? I mean it is a basic courtesy isn't it? Is it too much to ask for? Even if he/she cannot ask before hand, can't he/she informed AFTER?

What if the thing that he/she is going to read is something that is supposed to be confidential?

I HATE people who touch my things without asking... ... READ my stuff as if it belongs to EVERYBODY... ... I don't mind that person has read/touch/use my stuff.... but after usage/ read, can't the person just informed me that he/she has read/borrowed?

Or can't the person even "Thank" for using MY things? What pissed me off is to USE and TAKE my things AWAY!!! DON'T ever let me know that you've returned me a SPOILT object too...

Well, it is just my thought on things that happened for the last few weeks..... and people of today... ...

It is simple respect and courtesy ... ... is it so hard to ask for? I guess people just take things for granted and assume that people are fine with it, etc... but it is these small little things which people overlooked, that make those who bothers SHINES.

I'm not talking about myself but at least I hope people do make an effort to show some sense of respect and courtesy for the ownership of the things that they used.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Update on work

For those who didn't know about how's work for me, just a little update. ;)

Getting to get a hang of working life... ... just that I think I don't have social life after work. haha....

Getting more clients as the day goes by.... getting more confidence with myself... the way I handled and interact with my clients.... the type of interventions I give my clients....

I guess it is the experience.... especially when I am the only OT seeing clients... I guess I have to be little more hardworking to readup... research.... and ask the senior therapists regarding things that I am unsure.....

As time goes by, I am also given more responsibilities.... more roles and duties.... but well.... I like challenging stuffs... it keeps me going.... and of course.... to prove myself....

This is just the 3rd month of my job.... getting better and better.....

It's great to be recognize by the top and the clients for the effort that I have put in! I guess it is always these recognition to keep me going... stronger! ;)

Till then, Happy National Day!


I totally disgusted at people who have worked for at least 5 years and not having a SAVING at all!

That is not all... not to mentioned not giving your parents allowances.... How can one ask for money???

What's the point of showing generosity to others and then come back home to ask for money because of the action of your generosity?

I'm farking angry can....

If one cannot afford that lifestyle that he wants.... then save it.... what's the point of SPENDING all the money and realise that you have no money now....

Will one DIE if he don't play X-BOX at all?

Will one DIE if he spends lesser time on the phone?

Will one DIE if he spends lesser $ on expensive food?


Why must someone realize the importance of 'Saving for rainy days' ONLY when it happens?
I know it is hard to save... but little a day... even if one tries to save $50 a month.... for 5 years.... he would have save $3000 for the past 5 years!

I wouldn't want to bother about such situation now.... He, should be responsible for his own actions. He should have known all the consequences for his actions....

Sunday, August 05, 2007

A sense of achievement

Today I finally started my running plan... ... Thanks wC for running with me... hehe.....

It is a achievement for me, at least for a start.

In total, with 1 rest..... I ran 13 rounds in the stadium and walk 4 rounds....
Ran 3 rounds, walk 1 round, ran 3 rounds, walk 1 round, ran 3 rounds, walk 1 round, rest for ~ 5-10 mins, ran 4 rounds and walk 1 round.....
Thus in TOTAL: 17 rounds x 400m = 6.8km!!

Hopefully I will make it a routine to run, rather than a 3-min fever..... =)

Anyone wants to run? =p msg me.... that's including zJ. lol