God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Updates for FYP

okay, some updates about FYP....

Been really busy with FYP......
Started the actual study for my FYP le....
Nothing much can be mentioned here due to confidentiality ... ...
And that is not the only part of the whole research process..... we have more to go.....

Now, being a reseacher/ investigator myself, I really appreciate those literature articles that I've read in my two and a half years....
Now, I truly understand the amount of time and effort spent in each research, no matter how small it is or how small it may seem.

Though the process is tedious, I will try to enjoy every process of it... ... for as future clinician, we may not have as much time as we have now as a student to do research papers.

FYI to those not in the health science arena, our FYP is not just doing some programming and making a robort moves..... or coming up with new computer system.... neither is it about coming up with a new computer game.....

It's alot about people.... about lived experiences..... about how we can help others improve their life....
Well, I think that is the difference between social/health sciences and other courses i.e. engineering... media design... IT.... etc....

I must say I've learnt alot from the participant (though I have only heard from 1 of them till now) I have learnt alot of life experiences.... even medical knowledge.... I think... perhaps that is something that others will never have the chance to learn if they are not in this area.....

I am looking forward for more lived experiences!

Gambatte my FYP group! Thou I think only wT frequent my blog..... ;-)

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