God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Existence of GOD

Today, while talking to a parent whose child is being seen by my colleague, she mentioned this:

"God Won't Put More on You than You can Bear"

She was just sharing how difficult it was to bring up a child with special needs. Indeed it must have been tough for her. She also shared that, GOD must have know that she can do it when she herself thinks she can't. 

Though I am not a Christian but a Free Thinker, I do enjoy spiritual discussions at times. To me, each of his own. All of us have different beliefs on WHO and WHAT is GOD. To Buddhists, buddha is their god. To Christians, Jesus is their GOD. To Muslims, Allah is their God. To me, GOD is GOD. It can be any GOD in any religion. What I seek is the teachings and sayings of most of these religion. Of course I won't say there is no GOD. I'm grown up in a family where I used to go to mediums with my mother and I enjoyed it. Now that I am older, I have and can decide on my own faith.

Declaring myself as a Free Thinker doesn't mean that I didn't want to choose "Taoism" as my religion because it was no good. Rather what I seek is all the teachings and sayings in many religions. Thus, being a Free Thinker doesn't make me to be labelled as "betrayal" of faith if I believe in certain teachings in another religion.

Having said that, it brings me to another point. Is there really GOD in existence? I don't know. I have not seen one, therefore I cannot comment much. Or are we really our own GOD? 

Often, when we faced with obstacles that we could not overcome, we seek GOD. Was it the teaching that we seek? Or is there really a GOD there to give you the answer? Or the answer has already been written down in the form of teachings for us to understand it? But was the saying written down by someone or really by GOD? GOD knows. 

See? When things that we have no answer to, we use "GOD knows". That seems like an avoidance way to answer questions that we have no answers to. It is because GOD will know all the answer?
(you know what I'm going to say........ God knows.)

Anyway, I was just google-ing away on the quote above and chance upon some forums where they say GOD will give you more than you can bear, so that you will SEEK him. Do GOD really guide you to what you should do or can do? Or is the GOD a medium/means to justify what you should do and subconsciously think what you should do?

So does that mean your sub-conscious is the GOD? Just that we need something or someone to "justify" it. Thus it is known as the GOD?

I was just reading a book borrowed from my colleague on "Opening the door of your heart", written by Ajahn Brahm, a buddhist monk born in the west but trained in the "Thai forest tradition".

There is this quote which says,

"Many people ask such questions knowing that what they do is wrong, but in the hope that some 'expert' will convince them it is right. Deep inside, most people know what's right and wrong - only some don't listen carefully."

The above can also be related to someone who has a questions to ask, which he already know the answer but hope that someone will convince them otherwise or to further "justify" to support him.

What do you think? Ponder for a while..... 

I will be back! (to be continued...... )


1 comments (click to comment):

lovelyloey said...

I am Atheist because I don't believe in the existence of a supreme being who can do miracles, etc. because to believe in that sort of divine power I must also believe that that god causes calamities, death and sickness.
That said, I still respect people's religions up to a certain extent. By all means if believing makes your life better or makes you feel better, go ahead. I encourage people to have a religion. But when certain religions start arguing things like if you don't believe us you will go to hell... that just isn't right.
So yeah. Just my thoughts to share with you. :)