God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Personality + Astrology results... ...

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Kind and genuine, you're the sort of gal who's always looking out for others and being a great friend. You have a big heart and can't help but open it up to those you're close with. When you're that pretty on the inside, you can't help but be beautiful on the outside, too.

When it comes to makeup, you like to keep things light and low-key. But that doesn't mean you don't enjoy getting dolled up on special occasions. And when you do, we'd guess you only add to your already sparkling and sweet self. You glow girl!


Sun in Sagittarius:

Optimistic and freedom loving, you have an inborn sense of adventure and a zest for living. Sagittarius energy represents anything that takes one beyond normal boundaries. You appreciate the great outdoors because of the wide-open spaces and freedom it brings.

The real you can be quite idealistic and philosophical about life. Accepting and understanding abstract ideas and theories is natural for you. You seek truth and are basically very honest. Because of your willingness to "say what you see," this sign has earned a reputation for being somewhat blunt. As far as you're concerned there's no reason to beat around the bush when you can always take the direct and truthful approach. You would never willingly hurt someone's feelings, but try to remember that others may not be prepared to accept your well-meaning honesty. You can be quite gullible because you tend to accept things at face value. You expect the same honesty from others that you yourself express


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It shouldn't be too surprising to hear people think you're a sweetheart. Laidback and easygoing, you know when it comes right down to it, how you treat others is what counts. So, it's no wonder your signature hairstyle should be as natural and unpretentious as you.

With your big heart and fun spirit, you'd probably rather spend your time hanging out with friends than primping in the mirror. Why fuss if you don't have to, especially when it gives you more time to laugh and enjoy the moment? Whether you're blonde, brunette, or something in-between, your hairstyle is bound to be as bright and sunny as you are!

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It looks like the financial weatherperson is predicting mostly sunny skies for you. Grounded and smart, you know a penny saved is a penny earned. But that doesn't mean you don't know how to enjoy life and splurge on something nice for yourself every once in a while.

You believe a little give-and-take is the key to long-term financial success. And this levelheaded attitude helps you maintain the delicate balance between spending now and saving for later. Keep up the good work!

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Maybe you work the late shift. Or perhaps you're a confirmed night owl. Whatever the case, you're typically off in dreamland come daylight. For late risers like you, the snooze button just isn't going to cut it. When that alarm goes off, you'd rather get a few more hours of sleep in than get up.

We'd guess you're at your most productive later in the day rather than first thing in the morning. While some people can function on minimal hours of sleep, perhaps you need a little extra shuteye. After all, extra beauty sleep could be just what the doctor ordered. So dream on, sleepyhead!

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You value the special bond love can create and are likely to seek out someone who cherishes that deep connection too. Whether single or in a relationship, you're a compassionate person who cares about others. This strong people-sense makes you more skilled than most at understanding individuals' differences and reading others' moods. Above all, you're looking for a steadfast, loyal partner who you can trust to stand by you in good times and bad.

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