God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007



Apologizes for my long silence. Been rather tired after work and thus too tired to blog. Maybe just some updates about myself 1st.

1st month pay
Very happy to receive my 1st full-time pay. And I did a very embarrassing mistake. I gave additional $50 to my dad by mistake and had to take back from him when we both returned from work. With my 1st month pay, I finally got a fan that I always NEEDED but no $$ to buy. Now I can say 'bye bye' to all my 'night sauna'. I realized now that we had 'abit more money', we tend to think abit lesser when purchasing affordable stuff which may seems to be alittle ex when we were 'poor student'. Nevertheless, I am now starting to try to put aside some regular savings and perhaps some 'safe' investments so that I can do my degree conversion. =)

With my first month pay, I just went for a hair trimming and treatment. Photos will be uploaded soon I hope. I gave up the idea of rebonding at the moment as it is abit expensive and furthermore how can I leave my hair untied when doing therapy? Perhaps I will try re-bonding after I pass my probation in another 5 months time and as well as a birthday treat to myself. haha....

Graduation - The Class of 2007
Unbelievable that I have survived 3 years of OT Education. It has been truly 3 years. I can still remember sitting next to HuiHui during Orientation and found out that we were both born in 1984. I remembered Pam was sitting either in front or behind me too. That day was 5th July 2004. I still remembers that while waiting to go and play some telematch, we all sat in a circle. We also often mixed up Sze Jie and Zixian. On that day of orientation, OTs claimed more than 1/2 of the luck draw prizes, clinching all the reference books and on top of that OT0401 gotten 1st in the telematch and we won ourselves a basket of tidbits if you all could remember.

To me, the hardest time to past was in year 1 where we were struggling. Not sure if it was for the rest, at least it was for me. Being someone who hates to memorize things, anatomy was tedious, esp. having to remember all the muscles attachments and actions... ... And I can still remember an anatomy prac where all of us scored an 'A'. It was great to see Dr Uma during graduation. Her scent always reminded me of anatomy classes.

And year 2 was the 'funnest' year where we have fun, joy and lots of 'play'. It was the time where we started to build our friendship and starting to be closer to each other.

Year 3 was the most tedious and stressful period where assignments starts to pile up with FYP stuff.... staying till 9pm in the library has became a routine for all of us. The thing that we most hated was to hear the music being played at 8.30pm, telling us that the library will be closing. To add on the 'hate' was that they like to switch off the back lights at 8.45pm.

But it was very heartening to see all of us brave through the storms together as one. Helping one another through clinicals. Being there for one another, lending a listening ears to all to 'grumble' about clinicals and supervisors. We have all gone a long way.... and this is just the beginning....

All the best to all those who will have a chance to experience the seasonal changes in Australia and UK. Study and play hard!

To those who are in the work force, may the force be with you! And of course, we can still meet up and 'grumble' about work, like how we used to do when we happens to met up in the school library.

More updates will be up soon.... gonna zzZZzzz....

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