God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Degree Conversion vs Employment

I guess now some of us are in a dilemma whether to go for degree conversion or employment.
Initially, I was worried that I might not get into university due to my not-so-good GPA. Thus was considering and looking for some job opportunities.

Then, I decided to give it a try to apply for UniSA and Curtin since I don't need to pay for a single cent for the application. Perhaps just the transport fees and time spent at IDP to fill up the forms.

4 weeks has past. I received a mail from IDP and it says I am offered a place in Curtin, with the conditions that I graduated from NYP. Now that I am accepted, I worry about the fees.

I'm currently in the process of applying NCSS scholarship, hopefully they will be able to sponsor me for the degree conversion. But with so many people applying, I wondered how high are my chances. Can I even make it to the interview?

Well, as I always believe in,

"It is better to try and fail, than I fail to try."
Perhaps, just let me try and see ba. If I never get it, I will see if I can get a loan. But if everything else fails, then I will just look for an employment.

There is always a chance for everything. There is always something call offshore. =)

I'm trying to be optimistic you see.... Especially when it is the exam period... I do not want to worry about it... perhaps not even during my clinical.... "much especially" it is my last clinical which has the most weightage....

Anyhow, I think I may enjoy my placement.... for it is geriatrics, mental health and community settings!

Let see if I can fare well in it and I shall update you guys again!

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