God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Sunday, January 13, 2008


Last Friday was my organization D&D ...... it was at the Holiday Inn Hotel.... can u imagine that my colleague and I actually waited for like more than 1/2 hours for a 5 mins trip bus to the hotel? Then we were late??? Luckily the event was only about to start....

Well, it was free seating.... so when we arrived... it was already almost full... thou that my tampines side ppl actually have seats but apparently sth happened and we didn't sit with ppl from my side..... but we sat with staff from other dept.... they are great bunch of fun ppl... haha...
Well, because I don't really show my face at HQ that often.... the qn that they asked me was.... where I was from?? Indonesia? Philiphines..... diao..... Then I told them.... I'm 正宗新加坡人。 Haha.... and I gotten cord phone for lucky draw and $20 pizza hut voucher..... since this is my 1st D&D..... I drank 1 cup of beer... =p

The MC was super cute and entertaining... I'm sure alot of us are enjoying ourselves.... and we had our cheers too.... just imagine I haben been really doing cheers for so long... but I'm still as loud as ever.... bhb... lolz...

And well, I took some beer too... =)

*photos will be up once I get it from my colleagues......


On 12th January, I went to this youth symposium by Health Promotion Board.....

It was quite interesting..... and I went to this workshop on Youth and Sexuality....

They were advocating :

Be Faithful

It was rather interactive as most of the participants are youths..... and there was also a social worker too....

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