God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. And ME to share all the pain, laughter, tears, sorrow,happiness, sun and rain with you! Let us endure all the 暴风雨 and 彩虹 together!

Monday, June 07, 2010


I know I have been missing-in-action for long. Lost motivation to blog for the past few months. Anyway, just some updates on my life.

I went to Tioman with Juat and her friend. It was a short getaway. I tried snorkeling for the first time in my life. Although I am a non-swimmer, it was a nice experience. Definitely hoping for more overseas trip to relax. It is depressing to see that my life is just work and home. Will post up some of the photos here soon. I hope.

Went to Navy Open House on 23 May. It was a very very hot day. Kudos to Alvin and other Navy personnels for withstanding the heat, esp. those under the SUN. It was a good experience to see what kind of life he used to lead (similar) and of course, it was great seeing him. *smile*

Attended my JC classmate's wedding last weekends. Met some of my classmates and Physics Tutor, Mr Sum. He seemed that he has not aged at all. 4 out of 7 girls attended. 2, including the bride are married. I guess this is the age where you see all your friends are getting married and people are asking when is my turn, "God knows!" Even I wish I had the answer.

But I got to agree with what Mr Sum said that day. I remembered him saying during the wedding that "you don't get married for the sake of getting married. you have to live with the person for life leh. Got to find someone that you can click......." He also mentioned that of course he does feels lonely (can't remember if that was the word he used)... something that even friends cannot replace, which I got to agree. Well, he is 37 y.o., a super good dancer, quite good looking. Anyone wants to know him, I can intro. lolx.

Another thing that keeps me wondering is that, 2/4 of my classmates are doing well in their careers. One being a software engineer in ST Electronic and another has sort of her own company being consultant to ready-to-be brides and grooms in terms of wedding planning. I think even the bride is in some government company/ministry. And mine? Pathetically drawing peanuts.

Haha.... there has been so many thoughts of what I can do, with few others. But, we seems to procrastinate. Maybe, we are too comfortable. But just wait. I know I can do it BIG if I want to. Just waiting for the right opportunity.

Other areas in my life..... sigh.... don't ask me. I'm just as puzzled.

Anyway, look out for more updates on my tioman trip, Navy Open House and Laylan's wedding.

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